
ZOO 2.1 final arrived

Written by Tim. Posted in Content Management, Web Development, WordPress

The wait is over… We are really excited to announce that ZOO 2.1 is FINAL. We release the new version of ZOO 2.1 and as promised everybody can download ZOO for free. Since the BETA release we have made quite a few changes and fixed all known bugs. You can find more in information in the changelog file of the download package.

ZOO 2.1 final arrived

ZOO 2.1 come with two, free pre-installed apps: the pages and the blog app. Both are ready to use after the installation of the ZOO 2.1. All types, elements and layouts of the apps are predefined you can start using them right away. No configuring needed. Besides the ZOO component itself a item, tag and comment module as well as a search plugin are bundled in the download package. They allow a seamless integration into Joomla and provide a richer tool set to create your website. Go and grab your own copy of ZOO 2.1 and take it for a spin.

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